Sunday, February 27, 2011

What's Good For Others is Good For...

Gratitude Journal 2-27-11
1. Early leaf bubs on trees
2. HGTV (going to win that house!)
3. Early promise of good year for BRAVES
4. Young Minister Support Group
5. Sunday naps

Heard a radio minister re-telling the Bible story of Jesus feeding the 5,000.
He talked of the lack of faith of the disciples in feeding such a large group. The search for food and the young man (boy) with five loaves and two fish... He shared how the group was instructed to sit down in 'sections' to make distribution easier.

Then the radio minister chided all those folks who thought that the Bible story was no literally true. He talked of how some preachers and teachers today explain miracles away. Some (he said) interpreted that the cast of thousands in this story had brought sufficient food and 'when they saw the young man share his meager meal, they too took their lunches out and everyone had plenty to eat.'

This is where our friendly radio minister should have stopped.

However, after several more minutes of chiding others for their bad habits of adding things to scripture he began to get taken away liberties himself. He said... "you know, I just don't believe Jesus would give those folks cold fish. I bet it was nice and warm and tasty when they received it!"

Lord, isn't that just like me? Don't I too apply rules to others, yet when I get 'full of myself' I take liberties? Don't I point out the beam in my neighbor's eye without noticing the log in my own?

Lord forgive and remind me often.


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