Thursday, December 9, 2010

Incredible Love and Suffering

Gratitude Journal
1. Advent and preparation time...
2. Christmas Cards
3. Seasonal dishes revisited
4. Christmas memories - even the tuff ones
5. High, HOLY Christmas music!

Incredible Love and Suffering

'Change only comes through two avenues: incredible love or suffering!'
Richard Rohr

The first time I heard RR say these words something rang very true about the message. I have known times in my life when I received such deep and profound love (I always called it grace) that I was amazed and awestruck!

But there have also been times when I had to face deep grief or loss or dark nights of the soul and my world appeared to be coming apart. Change definitely happened then too!

I have a dear friend. Over the past several years she has had cancer to return and return again. She has been in and out of the hospital. Her husband too has cancer and he is on dialyses. There are other family stressors... parent care, children and grand kid issues. When I look at her life I ask 'WHY LORD?'

Change. What does it mean to change? How have I changed? Where do I need to change? When will my friend be able to live in peace and not have to face so many changes?

While I believe change is caused by suffering, for my friend, why so much incredible suffering? Not sure I like this idea of some folks facing so much and others seemingly walking through life all snug and secure and un-changed... living self-centered and prejudice lives, while others struggle each moment of the day to make sense in their suffering!

Change. What does it mean to change and how does Advent call me to change? Lord, help me to be more loving and less judgmental! Forgive me and use me this Christmas season to respond in Your love. Grant some of Your peace to my friend and her family. Through Christ I pray.


1 comment:

  1. John, thank you for this example to question and search and wrestle. I ask the same questions of the same friend. I feel it's OK to say, "It's not fair!" ... so much good stuff here. Thank you.
